
















[1] 黃遵憲:《日本國誌》,見陳錚編:《黃遵憲全集》下冊,中華書局2005年版,第1420頁。

[2] William Milne,A Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission to China,Malacca,1820,pp.89-93;Eliza A.Morrison ed.,Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison,London:Longman,Orme,Brown,Green and Longmans,1839,Vol.1,pp.329-333.

[3] Report of the Committee of Translators of the High Wenli Version,Records:China Century Missionary Conference,Held at Shanghai,April 25 to May 8,1907,Shanghai:Centenary Conference Committee,1907,p. 273.

[4] Miss Hattie Noyes,Girls’ Schools,Records of the General of the Protestant Missionaries of China,Held at Shanghai,May 7-20,1890,Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,p.223.

[5] 1864年4月12日美國長老會傳教士丁韙良(William A.Martin)致美國長老會的信,轉引自Jost Oliver Zetzsche,The Bible in China:the History of the Union Version or the Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China,Sankt Augustin:Monumenta Serica Institute,1999,p.140.

[6] Marshall Broomhall,The Chinese Empire:A General and Missionary Survey,London:Morgan & Scott,1907,p.373.

[7] Hubert W.Spillett,ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.183-192.

[8] Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese:Giving a List of Their Publications and Obituary Notice of the Deceased with Copies Indexes,Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,1867,p.34.

[9] Hubert W.Spillett,ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,p.183.

[10] Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese:Giving a List of Their Publications and Obituary Notice of the Deceased with Copies Indexes,Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,1867,pp.101-102.

[11] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.96.

[12] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.96.

[13] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.96.

[14] Eugene A.Nida ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,New York:United Bible Societies,1972,p.86.

[15] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.174-181.

[16] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,p.181.

[17] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.166-167.

[18] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.143-154.

[19] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,p.143.

[20] Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese:Giving a List of Their Publications and Obituary Notice of the Deceased with Copies Indexes,Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,1867,p.119.

[21] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第91頁。

[22] Eugene A.Nida ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,New York:United Bible Societies,1972,pp.78-79.

[23] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.122-129.

[24] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.91.

[25] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.196-205.

[26] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.97.

[27] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.130-142.

[28] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.131-133.

[29] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,p.136.

[30] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.91.

[31] 黃德才主編:《廣東省誌·宗教誌》,廣東人民出版社2002年版,第277頁。

[32] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.158-164.

[33] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.93.

[34] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第92頁。

[35] 車以綸生平,參見黃韶聲:《清末連州教案始末》,《廣東文史資料》1963年第8輯,第93頁。

[36] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,p.182.

[37] Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,pp.119-121.

[38] Marshall Broomhall,The Bible in China,London:British and Foreign Bible Society,1934,p.81;Hubert W.Spillett ed.,A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China,Hong Kong:British and Foreign Bible Society,1975,p.119;Eugene A.Nida ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,New York:United Bible Societies,1972,p.83.

[39] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.90.

[40] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.90.

[41] William Muirhead,Historical Summary of the Different Versions,Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,Held at Shanghai,May 2-20,1890,Shanghai:Presbyterian Mission Press,1890,p.36.

[42] W.South Coblin,A Brief History of Mandarin,Journal of the American Oriental Society 120,No.4 (October-December 2000),pp.537-552,轉引自麥金華:《大英聖書公會與官話和合本聖經翻譯》,基督教中國宗教文化研究社2010年版,第1頁。

[43] T.H.Darlow and H.F.Moule,Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society,Greek and Hebrew Editions,London:British and Foreign Bible Society,1903,Vol,Ⅱ-1,211ff;John R.Hykes,The American Bible Society in China,New York:American Bible Society,1916,p.10,上海檔案館U120-0-25。

[44] Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.88.

[45] Marshall Broomhall,The Chinese Empire,A General and Missionary Survey,London:Morgan& Scott,China Inland Mission,1907,p.386;Eric M.North ed.,The Book of A Thousand Tongues,Being Some Account of the Translation and Publication of All or Part of The Holy Scriptures into More Than a Thousand Languages and Dialects with Over 1100 Examples from the Text,New York:The American Bible Society,1938,p.88;楊森富:《中國基督教史》,台灣商務印書館1968年版,第379頁。

[46] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第71頁。

[47] John R.Hykes,The American Bible Society in China,New York:American Bible Society,1916,p.42,上海檔案館U120-0-25;Marshall Broomhall,The Bible in China,London:British and Foreign Bible Society,1934,p.82。

[48] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第68頁。

[49] John Wherry,Historical Summary of the Different Versions of the Scriptures,Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,Held at Shanghai,May 2-20,1890,Shanghai:Presbyterian Mission Press,1890,p.56.

[50] Marshall Broomhall,The Bible in China,London:British and Foreign Bible Society,1934,p.84.

[51] John Wherry,Historical Summary of the Different Versions of the Scriptures,Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,Held at Shanghai,May 2-20,1890,Shanghai:Presbyterian Mission Press,1890,p.56;湯因:《中國基督教聖經事業史料簡編》,《協進》1953年第9期,第31頁。

[52] 楊森富:《中國基督教史》,台灣商務印書館1968年版,第379頁。

[53] Jost Oliver Zetzsche,The Bible in China:the History of the Union Version or the Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China,Sankt Augustin:Monumenta Serica Institute,1999,pp.403-404.

[54] Marshall Broomhall,The Bible in China,London:British and Foreign Bible Society,1934,pp.87-88.

[55] Resolution 4,Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Old and New Testaments in Mandarin,Records of the General of the Protestant Missionaries of China,held at Shanghai,May 7-20,1890.

[56] Marshall Broomhall,The Bible in China,London:British and Foreign Bible Society,1934,p.89.

[57] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第82頁。

[58] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第75頁。

[59] 王治心:《中國基督教史綱》,上海古籍出版社2004年版,第254頁。

[60] Jost Oliver Zetzsche,The Bible in China:the History of the Union Version or the Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China,Sankt Augustin:Monumenta Serica Institute,1999,p.332.

[61] 朱自清:《譯詩》,《新詩雜話》,生活·讀書·新知三聯書店1984年版,第69頁。

[62] 胡全章:《清末民初白話報刊研究》,中國社會科學出版社2011年版,第30頁。

[63] 周作人:《聖書與中國文學》,《藝術與生活》,嶽麓書社1989年版,第45頁。

[64] 王治心:《中國基督教史綱》,上海古籍出版社2004年版,第254頁。

[65] 林語堂:《關於中國方言的洋文論著目錄》,《歌謠》第89號,1925年5月3日。

[66] 胡適:《論小說及白話韻文:答錢玄同書》,《新青年》第4卷第1號,1918年。

[67] [英]賈立言:《漢文聖經譯本小史》,馮雪冰譯,華文印刷局1944年版,第96頁。